4th British Seismology Meeting (BSM2024)
25-27 March 2024, Reading Town Hall, UK
The second ISC-organised conference, highlighting and celebrating the diverse research
in the UK and beyond

Organising Committee
Ryan Gallacher Natalia Poiata Tom Garth Dmitry Storchak Lynn Elms Domenico Di Giacomo
During 25th-27th March 2024, seismologists from the UK and abroad met in Reading for the second conference organised by the International Seismological Centre (ISC) in its 60+ year history. There was great support from the seismology community, with 133 attendees, 6 keynotes, 41 talks, 54 posters and exhibits from GaiaCode, Güralp, Nanometrics, Raspberry Shake and SMARTSOLO Scientific, Royal Astronomical Society, Stryde and the British Geophysical Association. Topics covered at the meeting included: Earth characterization and monitoring; Recent large earthquakes and hazardous fault zones; Seismology and climate change mitigation; Big data, machine learning and geophysical inversion; Novel applications of observational seismology; Industrial and forensic seismology.
Thanks to BGA and AWE sponsorship, BSM2024 hosted six invited speakers: Ross Heyburn (AWE, Blacknest, UK), Daniela Kühn (NORSAR, Norway), Andrew Curtis (University of Edinburgh, UK), Karin Sigloch (CNRS, Geoazur, France), Sanne Cottaar (University of Cambridge, UK), and David Cornwell (University of Aberdeen, UK).
As per BSM tradition, the prizes for best student poster and the Flinn-Engdahl earthquake game were awarded to Sam Scivier (University of Oxford, UK) and Michael Pasyanos (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA), respectively. In addition, Tim Craig (University of Leeds, UK) was awarded as the BSM attendee with more papers (since 2012) that have used ISC datasets and services.
During the conference dinner Roger Musson (formerly British Geological Survey) gave an entertaining talk entitled “The Great Reading Earthquake” covering aspects of earthquake reporting in the literature and the press, with a look to the future and the possible use, and consequences, of AI.
Overall, the meeting celebrated the diverse research going on in the UK and abroad. The positive feedback and enthusiasm from BSM2024 attendees highlighted the benefit of a UK-based seismology meeting every two years, and we look forward to BSM2026 in Leeds!
Download the BSM2024 full
abstract booklet.
Special thanks to our sponsors and exhibitors:
Location: Reading Town Hall
The venue chosen to host the BSM2024 conference was The Town Hall in the nearby County town of Reading.
The same location had been used to host the first BSM meeting, BSM2017.
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Oral Programme
Session 1: | Chaired by: Ryan Gallacher | ||
Dmitry Storchak | 12:45 | Opening Remarks | |
Stuart Nippress & M. Pienkowska | 13:00 | Re-analysis of historical data using machine learning | |
Peter Bartholomew & the Forensic Seismology Team | 13:15 | Seismic Data Archive in the United Kingdom to support Nuclear Test Monitoring | |
Michael E. Pasyanos, Keehoon Kim & Gene A. Ichinose | 13:30 | Source Analysis of Industrial and Forensic Events | |
Lars Ceranna, Stefanie Donner, Peter Gaebler, Nicolai Gestermann, Gernot Hartmann, Patrick Hupe, Christoph Pilger, Thomas Plenefisch, Klaus Stammler & Andreas Steinberg | 13:45 | Seismological evaluation of the events in connection with the leaks in the Nord Stream 1 and 2 gas pipelines on 26 September 2022 | |
R. Heyburn, D. Bowers, D.N. Green, A. Nippress, S.N. Nippress, & N.D. Selby | 14:00 | Characterising small coastal and underwater seismic sources using International Monitoring System and local seismic network data | Session 2: | Chaired by: Stuart Nippress |
Ryan Schultz, Brian Baptie, Ben Edwards & Stefan Wiemer | 15:00 | Risk related red-light thresholds for induced seismicity in the UK | |
Ilaria Mosca & Brian Baptie | 15:15 | A new seismic hazard model for the offshore regions around the United Kingdom | |
Katerina Kyrkou, Adam Booth, Fleur Loveridge, Emma Smith, Joseph Kelly, Andy Nowacki, Jonathan Chambers, Yin Jeh Ngui, David Boon, Edward Hough & Oliver Kuras | 15:30 | Seismic surveys to inform heat-flow experiments in a fractured chalk aquifer, Berkshire, UK | |
Cindy S. Y. Lim, Sacha Lapins, Margarita Segou & Maximilian Werner | 15:45 | Impacts of deep learning to detect induced seismicity: a case study from Preston New Road, UK | |
Koen Van Noten, Thierry Camelbeeck, Thomas Lecocq, Kris Vanneste & Ben Neefs | 16:00 | 19th and 20th century damaging earthquakes in the Hainaut coal basin of Belgium: triggered or natural? | |
Joseph Asplet, Mark Felgett, Tom Kettlety, Richard Luckett & Mike Kendall | 16:15 | Seismic anisotropy as a measure of in-situ stress for safe CO2 storage | |
Session 3: | Chaired by: Anna Horleston | ||
Daniela Kühn, Tom Kettlety, Evgeniia Martuganova, Annie Jerkins, Joseph Asplet, Bettina Goertz-Allmann, Johannes Schweitzer, Brian Baptie, Trine Dahl-Jensen, Peter Voss, Mark Fellgett, John Hopper, Chen Huang, Brian Carlton, Anna Maria Dichiarante, Nadège Langet & Elin Skurtveit | 17:00 | Understanding North Sea seismicity to gain stress field information and de-risk large-scale CO2 injections | |
Ryan Gallacher, James Harris, Natalia Poiata | 17:30 | Station Statistics Obtained from Parametric Data Reported to the ISC | |
John O’Neill, Bruce Nicholson, Neil Watkiss, Federica Restelli, Giuditta Marinaro, Francesco Simeone & Davide Embriaco | 17:45 | Successful Deployment of an 18km SMART Cable with ForceFeedback Seismometer and Accelerometers in the Mediterranean Sea | |
Sixtine Dromigny, Andreas Fichtner, Daniel Bowden & Dominik Hussman | 18:00 | Seismic noise interferometry for phase transmission fibre optics | |
H. Rademacher, C.M. Güralp, P. Minchinton & M. McGowan | 18:15 | A New Approach to Infrasound Sensor Design | |
Session 4: | Chaired by: Tom Garth, Karin Sigloch | ||
Richard Luckett | 08:30 | Application of PhaseNet to a National Seismic Network | |
Sacha Lapins | 08:45 | Estimating seismic attenuation, site corrections and geometrical spreading from large seismic catalogues using linearised spectral ratios and regression regularisation paths | |
Alice Blackwell, Timothy Craig & Sebastian Rost | 09:00 | Automatic relocation of intermediate-depth earthquakes using adaptive teleseismic arrays | |
Davide Staub, Siddhartha Mishra & Ben Moseley | 09:15 | Solving the elastic wave equation with physics-informed neural network | |
Andrew Curtis, Xin Zang, Angus Lomas, Muhong Zhou & York Zheng | 09:30 | 3D & 4D Variational Bayesian Full Waveform Inversion | |
Paula Koelemeijer, Federica Restelli, Adrian Mag Marin, Franck Latallerie, Andrew Walker & Christophe Zaroli | 11:30 | Pushing our data to the limit and no further: constraining Earth properties using Backus-Gilbert inferences | |
Emile Serra, Christophe Zaroli, Sophie Lambotte & Paula Koelemeijer | 11:45 | Vp/Vs tomography in South-East Asia using SOLA-Backus-Gilbert inversion | |
Session 5: | Chaired by: Ian Bastow | ||
Jessica C. Hawthorne, Amanda M. Thomas, Lois Papin, Hui Huang, S. Jordan & M. Cavendish | 12:00 | A search for dilation in low frequency earthquake waveforms | |
Zilin Song, Yen Joe Tan & Diana C. Roman | 12:15 | Deep long-period earthquakes at Alaskan Volcanoes and their relations to fluid/magmatic transport | |
Weiqian Yu, Wei Wei, James O.S. Hammond, Cunrui Han & Jiandong Xu | 12:30 | Evidence for crustal melt lens beneath Changbaishan volcanic field | |
Jennifer Jenkins, Tim Greenfield, Joseph Fone, Armin Dalkhani, Thorbjorg Agustdottir, Nicholas Rawlinson, Gylfi Páll Hersir, Egill Árni Gudnason, Josef Horálek, Anne Obermann, Torsten Dahm & Claus Milkereit | 12:45 | Seismic Crustal Structure of the Reykjanes Peninsular, SW Iceland | |
Session 6: | Chaired by: Paula Koelemeijer, James Hammond | ||
Ian D. Bastow, Rita Kounoudis, Christopher S. Ogden, Cynthia J. Ebinger, Saskia D.B. Goes, Martin Musila, Atalay Ayele & Pengzhe Zhou | 14:00 | The Moho and lithosphere-asthenosphere boundary below the Turkana Depression, East Africa: evidence from project TRAILS | |
Thomas A. J. Merry & Caroline Eakin | 14:15 | Insights on the African upper mantle from Quasi-Love wave scattering | |
William Sturgeon & Ana M.G. Ferreira | 14:30 | 3D imaging of Rayleigh wave mantle attenuation with uncertainty quantification | |
Ana M.G. Ferreira, Maria Tsekhmistrenko, Miguel Miranda & the UPFLOW team | 14:45 | The UPFLOW experiment: Peeking from the sea floor to the deep mantle with an ∼1,500 km aperture array of 50 ocean bottom seismometers in the mid-Atlantic | |
Sanne Cottaar, Carl Martin, Lisanne Jagt, Zhi Li & Stuart Russell | 15:00 | A patchy core-mantle boundary | |
Emma L. Chambers, Javier Fullea, Sergei Lebedev, Raffaele Bonadio, Duygu Kiyan, Chris J. Bean, Pat Meere, Yihe Xu & Brian M. O’Reilly | 16:00 | Determining subsurface temperature & lithospheric structure from joint geophysical-petrological inversion: A case study from Ireland | |
Sergei Lebedev, Javier Fullea, Yihe Xu & Raffaele Bonadio | 16:15 | Seismic Thermography, or the importance of inverting for what we really want to know | |
Session 7: | Chaired by: James Hammond | ||
Benjamin Fernando, Sam Giles, Natasha Dowey, Christopher Aiden-Lee Jackson, Anya Lawrence, Munira Raji, Rebecca Williams, Jenni Barclay, Louisa Brotherson, Ethny Childs, Jacqueline Houghton, Anjana Khatwa, Alicia Newton, Keely Mills, Francisca Rockey, Steven Rogers & Catherine Souch | 16:30 | More equitable recruitment of PhD students in geophysics | |
Jennifer Jenkins | 16:45 | How do we promote geophysics at highschool Level? | |
Open forum discussion on promoting the next generation of geophysics | 17:00 | ||
Conference Dinner | |||
Roger Musson | 20:00 | The great Reading earthquake | |
Session 8: | Chaired by: Richard Luckett | ||
Jess Johnson, Lidong Bie, Dominic Seager, Harry Whitelam, Ben McLeod, Nick Griffin, David Ciplic, Thomas Easton, Matthew Hatherly, Theo Graham, Rebecca Gorman & Ricky Herd | 09:00 | Forecasting Coastal Cliff Collapse using Distributed Sensing | |
Stephen P. Hicks, Kristian Svennevig, Thomas Forbriger, Thomas Lecocq, Rudolf Widmer-Schnidrig, Anne Mangeney, Clément Hibert & the rest of the SlideSurfSeis working group | 09:15 | How An Extraordinary Tsunamigenic Rockslide Into a Greenland Fjord Seismically Rang The Earth For 9 Days | |
Benjamin Fernando, Constantinos Charalambous, Christelle Saliby, Eleanor K. Sansom, Carene Larmat, David Buttsworth, Daniel C. Hicks, Roy Johnson, Kevin Lewis, Meaghan McCleary, Giuseppe Petricca, Nick Schmerr & Fabian Zander | 09:30 | Seismic tracking of the OSIRIS-REx re-entry | |
Anna Horleston, E. Barrett, S. Ceylan, C. Charalambous, J.F. Clinton, N. Dahmen, S. Edgington, F. Euchner, D. Giardini, T. Kawamura, D. Kim, V. Lekic, P. Lognonné, T. Nebut, M. Panning, C. Pardo, W.T. Pike, L. Pou, N.C. Schmerr, S.C. Stähler, E. Stough, C. Yana & G. Zenhäusern | 09:45 | A Description of the Continuous Seismic Dataset Recorded by InSight on Mars | |
Karin Sigloch, Dalija Namjesnik, Sébastien Bonnieux, Joel Simon, Tom Garth, James Harris, Dmitry Storchak, Yann Hello & Frederik Simons | 10:00 | Contributions of autonomous seismo-acoustic floats in the oceans to earthquake location and structural studies of the solid earth | |
Session 9: | Chaired by: Jessica Hawthorne, Natalia Poiata | ||
Tom Garth, Ryan Gallacher & Burak Sakarya | 11:30 | Recent Aftershock Sequences Reported to the ISC | |
Anhui Sun, Chao Ren, Weitao Wang, Yuan Gao & Guofeng Zhao | 11:45 | Discussion on the recent large earthquakes and tectonic environment in Menyuan, Qinghai, China | |
José A. Bayona, Marcus Herrmann, William H. Savran, Pablo Iturrieta, Fabio Silva, Warner Marzocchi, Philip J. Maechling & Maximilian J. Werner | 12:00 | A Decade of Prospective Evaluations of One-Day Seismicity Forecasts for California | |
Nurcan Meral Özel,Yasemin Korkusuz Öztürk, Ali Özgün Konca, Jean-Paul Ampuero & Elif Oral | 12:15 | Dynamic Effects on the Slip Distribution of the 2023 Kahramanmaraş Earthquake | |
Cornwell, D.G., Papaleo, E., Thompson, D. A., Rost, S., Houseman, G. A.,Kahraman, M., Turkelli, N., Teoman, U., Altuncu Poyraz, S., Gülen, L. & Utkucu, M. | 12:30 | Imaging the deep structure of continental shear zones: a review of Faultlab North Anatolian Fault zone findings with the DANA seismological network | |
Dmitry A. Storchak, James Harris, Domenico Di Giacomo & the ISC Team | 13:00 | The ISC as a Long-term Facility Hosted by the UK for International Seismology | |
Closing Remarks | Ryan Gallacher |
Prizes awarded
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