ISC News |
News for / from data contributors |
ISC locations: 1964 to present

What we do | ISC Membership | Projects |
The main purpose of the ISC is to compile the ISC Bulletin, regarded as the definitive record of the Earth's seismicity. Data is collected from over 130 agencies worldwide and is available online soon after being received. The Reviewed ISC Bulletin is typically available 24 months behind real-time and is manually checked by ISC analysts. With sufficient data events in the Reviewed ISC Bulletin are relocated using the ISC location algorithm (ISCloc). |
Membership of the ISC is open to any scientific academy, governmental agency,
research institution or other non-profit organisation. All members are
represented on the
, which determines the general policies of the Centre. Any
commercial organisation with an interest in the objectives and/or output of
the Centre may become an associate Member (Sponsor). Please
if you are interested in ISC membership.
Data access | Providing data to the ISC | Citing the ISC data |
The ISC provides full access to data within the ISC Bulletin. Data include hypocentre locations, phase data, amplitude measurements, focal mechanism solutions, etc. The ISC also hosts the International Registry of Seismograph Stations (IR), the IASPEI Ground Truth reference events (GT), the ISC-EHB dataset and the ISC-GEM Catalogue. |
Data centres and seismological agencies are encouraged to provide their data to the ISC according to the contribution schedule. We collect all earthquake parametric data, including phase readings, hypocentre locations, focal mechanism solutions, etc. |
Use of data from the ISC should always be cited. This includes use by academic or commercial organizations, as well as by individuals. Please check our citation page for more information. |