Dataset View
Submission date: 02-03-2020
Results of the microseism and microbarom detections by the seismo-acoustic Kazakh network and of the microbarom simulation for the infrasound arrays of the network
Brief Description: Results of the microseism and microbarom detections by the 4 seismic and 3 infrasound Kazakh arrays and of the microbarom simulation for the infrasound arrays.
Corresponding Author:
Alexandr SmirnovRelated Publications:
Alexandr Smirnov, Marine De Carlo, Alexis Le Pichon, Nikolai M. Shapiro, and Sergey Kulichkov (2020) Characterizing the global ocean ambient noise as recorded by the dense seismo-acoustic Kazakh network, Solid Earth, under review
Download File: File size: 472K
File Contents:
abkar_observations.mat |
cross_observations.mat |
is31_observations.mat |
is31_simulations.mat |
kkar_observations.mat |
kuris_observations.mat |
kuris_simulations.mat |
mkar_observations.mat |
mkiar_observations.mat |
mkiar_simulations.mat |
readme.txt |
Cite as:
Smirnov, A., De Carlo, M., Le Pichon, A., Shapiro, N., Kulichkov, S. (2020). Results of the microseism and microbarom detections by the seismo-acoustic Kazakh network and of the microbarom simulation for the infrasound arrays of the network, ISC Seismological Dataset Repository,