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Submission date: 22-06-2021

Seismicity of the eastern Hellenic Subdution Zone, Event and phase catalogues of the temporary CYCNET and EGELADOS networks

Andrea Brüstle (1), Martina Rische (2), Marco Bohnhoff (3), Ludger Küperkoch (4), Wolfgang Friederich (5), Thomas Meier (6), EGELADOS working group (7),
  • (1) Regierungspräsidium Freiburg, Geological Survey of Baden-Württemberg, State Seismological Service, Germany (formerly Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany)
  • (2) Ruhr-University Bochum, Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics, Germany
  • (3) Helmholtz Centre Potsdam, GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Section 4.2: Geomechanics and Scientific Drilling, Potsdam, Germany and Free University Berlin, Germany
  • (4) igem - Institut of geothermal resource management, Bingen, Germany
  • (5) Ruhr-University Bochum, Institute of Geology, Mineralogy and Geophysics, Germany
  • (6) Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Institute of Geosciences, Germany
  • (7)

Brief Description: During the SFB 526 ”Rheology of the Earth” at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany, several temporary seismological networks were deployed in the southern Aegean to study the seismotectonic behavior of the Hellenic Subduction Zone. The network CYCNET covered the central Hellenic Volcanic Arc from September 2002 to September 2005 with various network configurations. The EGELADOS network was deployed from October 2005 to April 2007 covering the entire southern Hellenic Subduction Zone. Both networks were completed by permanent stations of the NOA, MEDNET and GEOFON networks. The catalogues contain in total more than 12000 locations of which nearly 7000 well-determined earthquake locations covering the eastern part of the Hellenic Subduction Zone (longitude > 25E). All phase onsets were manually determined. The CYCNET and EGELADOS networks and the data evaluation leading to the creation of the here presented CYCNET and EGELADOS catalogues were funded by the German Research Foundation (DFG) within the collaborative research center 526 “Rheology of the Earth: From the Upper Crust to the Subduction Zone”. The reference publication with detailed information about phase determination, velocity model and station corrections is the PhD thesis by A.Brüstle, 2012, Seismicity of the Eastern Hellenic Subduction Zone. All waveforms are stored at the GEOFON project including dataless seed volume of the stations metadata. The net-work ID for the CYCNET network is ZZ (http://doi:10.14470/MM7557265463) and for the EGELADOS network is Z3 (

Corresponding Author:

Andrea Brüstle

Related Publications:

Bohnhoff, M.; Rische, M.; Meier, T.; Becker, D.; Stavrakakis G.; Harjes, H.-P., 2006. Microseismic activity in the Hellenic Volcanic Arc, Greece, with emphasis on the seis-motectonic setting of the Santorini-Amorgos zone. doi:10.1016/j.tecto.2006.03.024

Friederich, W., and Meier, T. (2008). Temporary seismic broadband network acquired data on Hellenic subduction zone. doi:10.1029/2008EO400002

Bohnhoff, M.; Rische, M.; Meier, T.; Endrun, B.; Becker, D.; Harjes, H.-P.; Stavrakakis G., 2004. CYCNET; a temporary seismic network on the Cyclades (Aegean Sea, Greece). doi:10.1785/gssrl.75.3.352

Brüstle, A, 2012. Seismicity of the Eastern Hellenic Subduction Zone. Ph.D. Thesis, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany,


This work was done within the SFB 526 ”Rheology of the Earth” funded by the German Research Foundation DFG. The CYCNET (a) and the EGELADOS (b) network were deployed and operated with the help of the following institutions: the Aristotle University Thessaloniki AUTH (b), the National Observatory of Athens NOA (a+b), the GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam GFZ (a+b), the Istanbul Technical University ITU (b), the Hamburg University (b) and the Technical University Chania (a+b). We also thank Prof. Edi Kissling for the cooperation to determine the minimum 1D-models for the eastern Hellenic Subduction Zone with the software VELEST.

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CYCNET_EGENET_catalogues.tar.gz File size: 2.7M

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Cite as:

Brüstle, A., Rische, M., Bohnhoff, M., Küperkoch, L., Friederich, W., Meier, T., , E. (2021). Seismicity of the eastern Hellenic Subdution Zone, Event and phase catalogues of the temporary CYCNET and EGELADOS networks, ISC Seismological Dataset Repository,