Dataset View
Submission date: 19-04-2023
Earthquake catalog of a temporary seismic network in NW Argentine Andean Foreland (FDSN code: 2S (2016-2017))
Brief Description: This earthquake catalog contains the semi-automatically derived earthquake detections, picks, locations, magnitudes and for high quality events a focal mechanism and a double-difference relocation. All picks have been revised manually. The catalog is mostly limited to local crustal earthquakes. The temporary network run for 15 months and consisted of 13 stations.
Corresponding Author:
Martin ZeckraRelated Publications:
Zeckra, M., Krüger, F., Aranda Viana, R. G., Hongn, F., Ibarra, F., Weiss, J. R., Strecker, M. R., soon submitted. Seismotectonics of the thick-skinned Santa Bárbara System in Northwestern Argentina: implications for regional crustal rheology and structure, JGR: Solid Earth.
Zeckra, M. (2020). Seismological and seismotectonic analysis of the northwestern Argentine Central Andean foreland (Doctoral dissertation, Universität Potsdam).
INPRES - Instituto Nacional de Prevención Sísmica, San Juan, Argentina. For sharing the waveform data from two of their permanent stations and the site of a former station.
CC BY-SA 4.0
Download File: File size: 6.4M
File Contents: |
clean-catalog.xml |
clean-catalog.kml |
clean-catalog-snuffler.event |
relocated-catalog.xml | | |
Cite as:
Zeckra, M., Krüger, F. (2023). Earthquake catalog of a temporary seismic network in NW Argentine Andean Foreland (FDSN code: 2S (2016-2017)), ISC Seismological Dataset Repository,