Web services: Arrivals

Output a list of arrivals associated to events in the ISC Bulletin, as either QuakeML, a CSV file or in IMS1.0 format. Arrivals may be selected by station (individual names or defined region), phase name, event time, event region, event magnitude, event depth. Returned data comprise of:

  • Phase data (station, phase, distance, back-azimuth, arrival-time, travel-time residual, etc.);
  • Prime hypocentre origin (time, lat, lon, depth);

An overview of the available web services guides can be found on the web services page.

Event arrivals: URL construction


Each <query-option> is comprised of one or more parameters, which are described in detail below. Each parameter needs to be separated by an ampersand (&) as shown in the examples.

Queries or parameters in square brackets ([...]) are optional.

Example query 1:

Output arrivals from station WRA for phases P and Pg, where the arrival-time was time-defining. Search arrivals for all earthquakes in the ISC Bulletin between 2009-02-22 15:00:00 and 2009-04-22 15:00:00 where GCMT have computed a magnitude >= 5.5

QuakeML format:

http://www.isc.ac.uk/cgi-bin/web-db-run?out_format=QuakeML&request=STNARRIVALS&stnsearch=STN&sta_list=WRA &tdef=on&phaselist=P,PcP&searchshape=GLOBAL&start_year=2009 &start_month=02&start_day=22&start_time=15:00:00&end_year=2009&end_month=04&end_day=22&end_time=15:00:00 &min_mag=5.5&req_mag_agcy=GCMT&req_mag_type=Any

CSV file:

http://www.isc.ac.uk/cgi-bin/web-db-run?out_format=CSV&request=STNARRIVALS&stnsearch=STN&sta_list=WRA&tdef=on&phaselist=P,PcP&searchshape=GLOBAL &start_year=2009&start_month=02&start_day=22&start_time=15:00:00&end_year=2009&end_month=04&end_day=22 &end_time=15:00:00&min_mag=5.5&req_mag_agcy=GCMT&req_mag_type=Any

Example query 2:

Output arrivals from stations within a 10 degrees radius of Lat: 62 N; Lon: 114 W; for all S phases that are time-defining, from events in the reviewed ISC Bulletin between 2009-02-22 15:00:00 and 2009-04-22 15:00:00 where the body-wave magnitude (mb) associated to the prime hypocentre >= 5.5 and are within 80 degrees radius of Lat: 62 N; Lon: 114 W.

QuakeML format:

http://www.isc.ac.uk/cgi-bin/web-db-run?out_format=CSV&request=STNARRIVALS&stnsearch=CIRC&stn_ctr_lat=62&stn_ctr_lon=-114 &max_stndist_units=deg&stnradius=10&tdef=on&phaselist=S&searchshape=CIRC&ctr_lat=62&ctr_lon=-114&max_dist_units=deg&radius=80&start_year=2009 &start_month=2&start_day=22&start_time=15:00:00&end_year=2009 &end_month=4&end_day=22&end_time=15:00:00&min_mag=5.5&req_mag_agcy=prime&req_mag_type=MB

CSV file:

http://www.isc.ac.uk/cgi-bin/web-db-run?out_format=CSV&request=STNARRIVALS&stnsearch=CIRC&stn_ctr_lat=62&stn_ctr_lon=-114 &max_stndist_units=deg&stnradius=10&tdef=on&phaselist=S&searchshape=CIRC&ctr_lat=62&ctr_lon=-114&max_dist_units=deg&radius=80&start_year=2009 &start_month=2&start_day=22&start_time=15:00:00&end_year=2009 &end_month=4&end_day=22&end_time=15:00:00&min_mag=5.5&req_mag_agcy=prime&req_mag_type=MB

Description of query options:

Parameter name Possible values Description
out_format= <QuakeML>|<CSV>|<IMS1.0>

Parameter name Possible values Description
request= <STNARRIVALS> Specifies that the ISC Bulletin should be searched for arrivals. To limit arrivals from events within the Reviewed ISC Bulletin, see <arrivals-limits> below (iscreview=on).

Parameter name Possible values Description
ttime= [<on>] If set to 'on', arrivals will be only be output if they have an arrival-time. N.b. Some amplitude data, do not have arrival times with them.
ttres= [<on>] If set to 'on', arrivals will be only be output if they have a travel-time residual computed. N.b. travel-time residuals are only computed for ISC reviewed events, where the ISC is able to associate a travel-time to a valid phase (currently ak135), for an event. These residuals are corrected for elevation and ellipticity. Bounce-point and water depth corrections are also made for depth phases and hydroacoustic phases respectively.
tdef= [<on>] If set to 'on', arrivals will be only be output if they are time-defining phases. I.e. they were used in the computation of the ISC hypocentre. N.b. these arrivals only exist for events with an ISC authored hypocentre.
iscreview= [<on>] If set to 'on', arrivals will be only be output for events that are in the Reviewed ISC Bulletin. By default, the entire ISC Bulletin will be searched.

Parameter name Possible values Description
stnsearch= <STN>|<GLOBAL>|<RECT>|<CIRC>|<FE>|<POLY>
  • STN: Stations are restricted to specific station code(s);
  • GLOBAL: Stations are not restricted by region (i.e. all available stations);
  • RECT: Rectangular search of stations;
  • CIRC: Circular search of stations;
  • FE: Flinn-Engdahl region search of stations;
  • POLY: Customised polygon search.
Dependent parameters if: stnsearch=STN
sta_list= <CODE> A valid station code. To search for available station codes, please check the station book in the International Registry of Seismograph Stations.
Dependent parameters if: stnsearch=RECT
stn_bot_lat= -90 to 90 Bottom latitude of rectangular region
stn_top_lat= -90 to 90 Top latitude of rectangular region
stn_left_lon= -180 to 180 Left longitude of rectangular region
stn_right_lon= -180 to 180 Right longitude of rectangular region
Dependent parameters if: stnsearch=CIRC
stn_ctr_lat= -90 to 90 Central latitude of circular region
stn_ctr_lon= -180 to 180 Central longitude of rectangular region
max_stn_dist_units= <deg>|<km> Units of distance for a circular search: degrees or kilometres
stn_radius= any float or integer Radius for circular search region
  • 0 to 180 if max_stn_dist_units=deg
  • 0 to 20015 if max_stn_dist_units=km
Dependent parameters if: stnsearch=FE
stn_srn= 1 to 50 Seismic region number for a Flinn-Engdahl region search
stn_grn= 1 to 757 Geographic region number for a Flinn-Engdahl region search
Dependent parameters if: stnsearch=POLY
stn_coordvals= lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2,lat3,lon3,lat4,lon4,lat1,lon1 Comma seperated list of coordinates for a desired polygon. Latitude needs to be before longitude. Coordinates in the western and southern hemispheres should be negative.

Parameter name Possible values Description
searchshape= <GLOBAL>|<RECT>|<CIRC>|<FE>|<POLY>
  • GLOBAL: Events are not restricted by region;
  • RECT: Rectangular search of events;
  • CIRC: Circular search of events;
  • FE: Flinn-Engdahl region search of events;
  • POLY: Customised polygon search.
Dependent parameters if: searchshape=RECT
bot_lat= -90 to 90 Bottom latitude of rectangular region
top_lat= -90 to 90 Top latitude of rectangular region
left_lon= -180 to 180 Left longitude of rectangular region
right_lon= -180 to 180 Right longitude of rectangular region
Dependent parameters if: searchshape=CIRC
ctr_lat= -90 to 90 Central latitude of circular region
ctr_lon= -180 to 180 Central longitude of rectangular region
max_dist_units= <deg>|<km> Units of distance for a circular search: degrees or kilometres
radius= any float or integer Radius for circular search region
  • 0 to 180 if max_dist_units=deg
  • 0 to 20015 if max_dist_units=km
Dependent parameters if: searchshape=FE
srn= 1 to 50 Seismic region number for a Flinn-Engdahl region search
grn= 1 to 757 Geographic region number for a Flinn-Engdahl region search
Dependent parameters if: searchshape=POLY
coordvals= lat1,lon1,lat2,lon2,lat3,lon3,lat4,lon4,lat1,lon1 Comma seperated list of coordinates for a desired polygon. Latitude needs to be before longitude. Coordinates in the western and southern hemispheres should be negative.

Parameter name Possible values Description
start_year= 1900 to 2025 Starting year for events
start_month= 1 to 12 Starting month for events
start_day= 1 to 31 Starting day for events
start_time= 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 Starting time for events (HH:MM:SS)
end_year= 1900 to 2025 Ending year for events
end_month= 1 to 12 Ending month for events
end_day= 1 to 31 Ending day for events
end_time= 00:00:00 to 23:59:59 Ending time for events (HH:MM:SS)

<event-depth-limits> (Optional)
Parameter name Possible values Description
min_dep= any float or integer Minimum depth of events (km)
max_dep= any float or integer Maximum depth of events (km)
null_dep= [<on>] If set to 'on', events with no known depth will still be output if a min_dep or max_dep is specified.

<event-magnitude-limits> (Optional)
Parameter name Possible values Description
min_mag= any float or integer Minimum magnitude of events
max_mag= any float or integer Maximum magnitude of events.
null_mag= [<on>] If set to 'on', events with no known magnitude values will still be output if a min_mag or max_mag is specified.
req_mag_type= <Any>|<MB>|<MS>|<MW>|<ML>|<MD> Limit events to specific magnitude types. Please note: the selected magnitude type will search for all possible magnitudes in that category:
E.g. MB will search for mb, mB, Mb, mb1mx, etc
req_mag_agcy= <Any>|<prime>|<CODE> Limit events to magnitudes computed by the selected agency:
  • Any: magnitudes will not be restricted by author;
  • prime: this will limit magnitudes to those associated directly with the prime (preferred) hypocentre - this is usually but not always the same author as the prime hypocentre;
  • CODE: restricts events with magnitudes computed by a specific agency (e.g. ISC, NEIC, GCMT, JMA, etc.). See here for a full list of agencies.
If a specific CODE is selected, the magnitudes associated to the prime hypocentre will be output in addition to the selected magnitude author.