Nordic format
An example of Nordic format is shown in the table below. The format starts with a series of header lines with the type of line indicated in the last column (80). The phase lines follow the header and have no line type indicator. There can be any number of header lines including comment lines. The first line includes origin time, location and magnitudes; the second line is the error estimate; the third line is the name of the corresponding waveform file; and the fourth line is the explanation line for the phases (type 7). The abbreviations are: STAT (station code); SP (component); I (I or E); PHAS (phase); W (weight); D (polarity); HRMM SECON (time); CODA (duration); AMPLIT (amplitude); PERI (period); AZIMU (azimuth at station); VELO (apparent velocity); SNR (signal-to-noise ratio); AR (azimuth residual of location); TRES (travel time residual); W (weight in location); DIS (epicentral distance in km); CAZ (azimuth from event to station).