Station search format

The station format in the search is the same as that in the full station list file with the addition of a link that shows much more detail about the station and the data used in the ISC Bulletin.

As is clear in the example below the format consists of:

  • Net - network code
  • Sta - station code
  • Latitude - decimal latitude ( negative for South )
  • Longitude - decimal Longitude ( negative for West )
  • Chn - FDSN 3 character channel code
  • Loc - FDSN location code
  • Open - Date of start of operation of given station
  • Close - Date of close of given station
  • Sitename
Net Sta     Latitude Longitude Elev Chn Loc              Open                      Close       Sitename
 IR BDB     43.0650    0.1483   561                                                            Bagneres-Bigorre
 IR BTH     43.1231   -0.2069   325                                                            Betharram
 IR YUND    42.5768   -1.1331   872                                                            Undues
 AM RDF0E   43.2342    0.0742   337 EHE 00      2021-03-17T09:31:58Z      2021-03-19T16:59:23Z
 AM RDF0E   43.0270    0.5176   515 EHE 00      2021-04-26T15:02:14Z      2021-10-31T17:00:28Z
 FR VIEF    42.8825    0.0229  1000 BHE 00      2016-11-25T15:47:00Z      2022-02-21T09:30:00Z
 FR VIEF    42.8825    0.0229  1000 BHN 00      2016-11-25T15:47:00Z      2022-02-21T09:30:00Z
 LC CANF    42.7637   -0.5175  1205 HHE 00      2017-10-25T11:50:00Z      2599-12-31T23:59:59Z
 LC CANF    42.7637   -0.5175  1205 HHN 00      2017-10-25T11:50:00Z      2599-12-31T23:59:59Z
 LC CANF    42.7637   -0.5175  1205 HHZ 00      2017-10-25T11:50:00Z      2599-12-31T23:59:59Z
 RA PYBB    43.0586    0.1489   560 HNE 00      2009-12-08T10:00:00Z      2014-06-10T09:55:00Z
 RA PYBB    43.0586    0.1489   560 HNE 00      2018-09-24T12:40:00Z      2022-04-07T12:00:00Z
 RA PYBB    43.0586    0.1489   560 HNN 00      2009-12-08T10:00:00Z      2014-06-10T09:55:00Z
 RA PYBB    43.0586    0.1489   560 HNN 00      2018-09-24T12:40:00Z      2022-04-07T12:00:00Z
 RA PYBB    43.0586    0.1489   560 HNZ 00      2009-12-08T10:00:00Z      2014-06-10T09:55:00Z
 RA PYBB    43.0586    0.1489   560 HNZ 00      2018-09-24T12:40:00Z      2022-04-07T12:00:00Z
 RD ETSF    42.8986   -0.5592   910 BHE --      2020-09-17T08:00:00Z      2500-12-31T23:59:59Z
 RD ETSF    42.8986   -0.5592   910 BHN --      2020-09-17T08:00:00Z      2500-12-31T23:59:59Z
 RD ETSF    42.8986   -0.5592   910 BHZ --      2020-09-17T08:00:00Z      2500-12-31T23:59:59Z